Ewa Kopacz

Vice-President of the European Parliament

European Parliament Coordinator for Children's Right

About Me


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Dziś Dzień Europy! 🇪🇺
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Jutro o 7:40 gościem @marcinfijolek będzie
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Zobacz więcej..

European Parliament Coordinator for Children’s Right

As European Parliament Coordinator for Children’s Rights, it is my primary responsibility to protect the rights of young citizens in European Union policies and legislation.

The objective behind my actions is to promote children’s rights in EU countries, as well as to make changes to EU law to ensure that minors enjoy the necessary legal protection and appropriate conditions for their development. Raising awareness and understanding of the importance of children’s rights among EU citizens are also crucial for me.

I closely cooperate with Members of the European Parliament and Committees dealing with the protection of minors. On behalf of the EU, I establish contacts with international and national organisations and their representatives which facilitates making the changes necessary to guarantee children’s safety in the European Union.

It is also my priority to assist all EU citizens in cross-border disputes and cases of international parental child abduction. I keep promoting family mediation as an effective way of resolving conflicts through cooperation with judicial authorities and administrations of EU member states.

My role also includes holding numerous meetings with representatives of children’s rights organisations during which we look for ways to better protect minors and promote their rights. I actively participate in debates on issues related to children’s rights. The High-level Conference at the European Parliament, commemorating the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, during which the achievements of the European Union in the protection of children’s rights to date were discussed and future challenges were outlined.

In the coming years, I would like to guarantee freedom, safe conditions for development to children and to promote their rights internationally.

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